
HungerRush Designer Documentation

This is central hub for information on how the designer application works, processes for contribution & maintenance and the record for business decisions that influence it’s evolution. In the interests of transparency these docs are open to pull requests for suggested improvements and process changes.

Getting Started

  • You will have been provided with an email address. Please ensure you have set up and signed in with this account.
  • Please request access to the your team’s ADO Board which we use for project management and bookmark it.


Setup and installation guides will be available in the READMEs for each of the repositories below:




Designer (Theme Admin) Online Ordering Site Templates


Theme Configuration Service Graph QL Gateway Infrastructure

Hosted Environments

Development (Resource Group)

Staging (Resource Group)

Production (Resource Group)

Development Tools

  • React/NextJs - Open-source web development framework for React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generating static websites.
  • Typescript - Strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language.
  • Redux Saga - Middleware library used to allow a Redux store to interact with resources outside of itself asynchronously.
  • GraphQL - Open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.
  • Apollo - Comprehensive state management library for managing both local and remote data with GraphQL.
  • Material UI - Comprehensive collection of prebuilt, theme-able components that are ready for use in production right out of the box.
  • Styled Components - React-specific CSS-in-JS styling solution for components.
  • React testing library - Light-weight solution for testing React components.
  • Cypress - JavaScript-based end-to-end testing tool. services.
  • Azure - Cloud computing service operated by Microsoft for application management via Microsoft-managed data centers.
  • Azurite Emulator: Open-source emulator that provides a free local environment for testing Azure Blob, Queue Storage, and Table Storage applications.
  • C# - General-purpose, high-level multi-paradigm programming language.

General Tools

Postman Git NVM (for Mac/Linux) NVM (for Windows) ESlint Prettier



    HungerRush Designer systems and infrastructure.


    This section contains information about our engineering processes and standards.


    All frontend specific articles and content.


    All backend specific articles and content.


    Investigation task outcomes and discussion


    Here are our how-to tutorials.